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初三英语复习题-介词填空等1.In summer,he fell ( )love ( )a good-looking young man

来源:51温州家教网    点击:4478    发布日期:2011-04-09 09:08:38

1.In summer,he fell ( )love ( )a good-looking young man.
2. ( ) the future, I want to be a scientist.
3.He often argue ( )his classmates ( )the maths problems.
4.Your coat is ( )( )style.You should throw it away .
5.Please give me a ticket ( )a ball game.
6.( )my surprise,he is my sister’s boyfriend.
7.She looks the same ( )his mother.
8.She is a romantic girl,and her haircut is always ( )style.
9.Today in China,the parents fit as much as possible ( )their children’lives.
10.She is friendly ( )her classmates.So she gets on well ( )them.
11.She loves pop songs very much,especially,she is crazy ( )Liu Dehua.
12.Don’t keep your dog ( )( )your house.It’s dangerous oustside.
13.Compared ( )his cousin,he is an honest man.
14.His mother is seriously ill,and he should send ( )a doctor.
15.Last night,we had a well ( )party.(organize).
16. The flight ( ) USA took off at 8:00 yesterday.
17.After hearing his grandpa died,he walked home ( )silence,full ( )tears ( )his eyes.
18.Do you hear ( )that story?
19.He got a good job ( )accident.He was very lucky.
20.What happened ( )you ,Tom?
21.It’s impolite ( )you to shout ( )your mother.
22.She was mad ( )her daughter ( )her lateness.
23.Can you take a message ( )Tom?
24.He is ( )( )danger,and now he is safe.
25.The doctors ( ) boders ofen help the wounded in the earthquake all over the world.
26. Listening to music has a good influnence ( )the baby before its birth.
27.We teachers should open ( )the students’s eyes ( )the outside world.

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