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来源:51温州家教网    点击:12293    发布日期:2011-10-10 12:20:15

(    )21.It’s good for you to keep _________ when you have something difficult _________.     
      A. trying; to do      B. doing; to do it
C. to try; to do      D. trying; to be done
(    )22.“How many students have visited The Summer Palace?” “_________ .”
A. No one B. Nothing   C. None    D. Either
(    )23.--- Colours can’t affect our moods, can they?
---_________. They can _________ us feel happy or sad, energetic or sleepy.
         A. Yes; change                  B. No; make
         C. Yes; make                    D. No; help
(    )24. “It’s too cold. Would you mind _________ the window?”
“ _________ . But don’t do it now.”
        A. to close; Sure       B. closing; Good idea
C. closing; Better not      D. closing; Of course not
(    )25. We all think _________ is kind ________ you to give your seat to a young lady with a baby in her arms yesterday.
A. that, for       B. it, for   C. it, of     D. that, of
(    )26. I’d like to_______ David ______ the new chairperson of the students’ Union . 
A. realize, for    B. remember , to C. remind , of   D. recommend , as 

(    )27. ---Do you prefer _________ the new film 2012 with me?
---No. I’d rather ________ at home and listen to music.
       A. seeing ; stay         B. to see; to stay       C. to see; stay   D. seeing; to stay
(    )28. Sandy was ________a bad mood and nobody could __________yesterday.
         A. with, cheer up her     B. with, cheer her up    
C. in, cheer up her      D. in, cheer her up
(    )29. The students were all tired, but _____  of them stopped _________  a  rest.
         A. no one; to have      B. all; having    C. none; to have   D. nobody; having
(    )30. If you have difficulty _____ a decision, wearing red _____ easier for you to take action.
A. make; making this    B. made; making one  
C. making; make that    D. making; makes it
(    )31. Xiao Zhang has ______homework every day and she really doesn’t know ______ first.
         A. much too; what to do     B. too much ;when to do
    C. much too, how to do      D. too much; what to do
(    )32. People       dark skin looks good      red and purple.
A. have; on   B. have ; in  C. with ; on   D. with ; in
(    )33. The boy is _________________himself.
A. enough old to dress     B. old enough to dress 
C. enough old to wear     D. old enough  to put on
(    )34. He never ____learning English .That was why he was successful at last.
A. gave in    B. gave out  C. gave up  D. gave away
(    )35. If it isn’t yours, it must be _____________.
         A. somebody else                      B. somebody else’s
         C. else somebody                      D. else’s somebody
When I was in the third grade, I was chosen to be the princess in the school play. For “weeks my mother had helped me practise my lines. But once on the stage, every word    36   from my head. Then my teacher asked me to change my role to be a narrator (解说者) for the play.    37   I didn’t tell my mother what had happened that day, she noticed my    38  and asked if I wanted to take a walk in the garden.
It was a lovely spring day. We could see dandelions (蒲公) popping (炸开)   39   the grass in bunches (束). I watched my mother bend down by one of the bunches. “I think I’ll dig up (挖光) all these weeds (野草),” she said. “From now on, we’ll   40  have roses in this garden.”
“But I like dandelions,” I protested(抗议). “All flowers are   41   —even dandelions !”
My mother looked at me seriously. “Yes, every flower gives pleasure in its own way, doesn’t it?” she asked thoughtfully. I nodded. “And that is   42   of people, too,” she added.
When I   43   that she had guessed my pain, I started to cry and told her the truth. “But you will be a wonderful narrator,” she said,    44   me of how much I loved to read stories’ aloud.
Thanks to my mother’s encouragement, I got to know everybody had his or her own   45   in the world. I felt proud of the role in the play.
(    )36. A. developed    B. left              C. failed          D. disappeared
(    )37. A. If            B. Because          C. Though     D. Since
(    )38. A. difficulty        B. mistake           C. danger      D. unhappiness
(    )39. A. through          B. past              C. beyond     D. behind
(    )40. A. hardly          B. only              C. still         D. also
(    )41. A. harmless         B. healthy            C. beautiful     D. fresh
(    )42. A. true             B. kind             C. same         D. clever
(    )43. A. remembered      B. realized           C. explained    D. promised
(    )44. A. representing     B. complaining        C. recommending  D. reminding
(    )45. A. honor           B. progress         C. value       D. interest

Author: Margaret Mitchell
¥25 (in bookstores) ¥18 (online)
Gone With the Wind is a best-seller, which tells a story that happened in the American Civil War(美国内战). Scarlett O’Hara is a woman in the story who is full of energy. She is strong and saves her family but is very selfish at the same time.
Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
¥18.3 (online)
Motherless Sara Crewe was sent home from India to school at Miss Minchin’s. Her father was very rich and she lived a rich and comfortable life. Then her father died and Sara lost everything. She had to learn to do with her changed life. Her strong character made her able to fight successfully against her poverty(贫穷) and the scorn(嘲笑) of her fellows(伙伴). It’s an excellent book with 4 tapes(磁带) for children. 
Author: J.M Barrie
¥15 (in bookstores) ¥12 (online)
   It is a children’s story full of imagination and adventures(冒险), which is about Wendy, John, and Michael Darling’s adventures in Never-Never Land with Peter Pan, the boy who would not grow up. The children are happy and lovely. (with 2 tapes)
Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
¥20 (in bookstores)
   The most famous novel in American history, Uncle Tom’s Cabin talked about the struggle between free states and slave(奴隶) states during the American Civil War and is as powerful today as when it first came out 150 years ago. 
Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
¥35 (in bookstores)  ¥30 (online)
Mary Lennox, a sickly orphan(孤儿), finds herself in her uncle’s dark house. Why are so many rooms locked? Why is one of the gardens locked? And what is that crying she hears at night? Through the power of hope, friendship, and the magic of nature, the brave girl brings the house and a long-lost garden back to life.

(    )46. We can know from the passage that _________.
A. there are only three books with tapes
B. we can buy 5 kinds of the above books in bookstores
C. two of the books are written by Frances Hodgson Burnett
D. THE SECRET GARDEN is ¥5 cheaper in bookstores than online
(    )47. Mary brings the house and a long-lost garden back to life with the help of ________.
a. the power of hope  b. friendship    c. her uncle      d. nature’s magic
A. a, b, c       B. a, c, d        C. b, c, d       D. a, b, d
I started learning English when I was 6 years old. For 8 years I learned English the way everybody else did — by going to English classes. It was useless. I did everything that the teachers told me to do. But I didn’t get any results. I mean, I was always one of the best students in class. However, reading English texts took me a long time. I made lots of mistakes when writing, my pronunciation was bad, and I could only speak English very slowly. After my eight years of studying hard, these were the results.
In 1993, I went to the best high school in Wroclaw. It was a special program with a lot of English classes. I owe (感激) a lot to the people I met there, both students and teachers. My first
two years in high school were very important for my English. My English teacher, Mr. Janusz Laskosz, gave me a lot of good advice, especially on pronunciation and vocabulary. My talented (多才多艺的) friends, Wojtek and Michael Ryszard, who are my partners now, were both fantastic English learners. What’s more, every time I heard them speak, they seemed to have a bigger vocabulary. I wanted to be as good as them, so I studied harder. And my English improved. Wojtek and Michal also introduced me to SuperMemo, which has been very important in my life. And, of course, I could discuss the English language with them, which was a great thing.
(    )48. The writer studied hard at English in the first eight years,  ______________.
A. but he was still not good at it
B. and then he invented an effective way to learn it
C. so his pronunciation was quite good
D. and then he could read English articles very quickly
(    )49. The writer made great progress in learning English ________________.
A. after he read many English textbooks
B. because he spoke English very slowly
C. even before he went to the high school in Wroclaw 
D. because of his friends Wojtek and Michael
(    )50. We can learn from the passage that ________ could help people learn English better.
A. good textbooks             B. beautiful environment
C. studying harder alone        D. good teachers and friends
(    )51. The best title for the passage is “_____________”.
A. How to make friends            B. How I learn English
C. My good English teacher          D. My high school
“I’m hungry,” said Kelly as she and Shelia walked home from school.
“You’re always hungry,” Shelia said, “We’ll have something when we get to my house.”
Kelly looked at Shelia, who was walking quickly down the sidewalk. Shelia had long, beautiful red hair and always wore nice clothes. Kelly had short hair and many of her clothes were hand-me-downs.
No one was home when they got to Shelia’s house. No one ever seemed to be home at Shelia’s house. Kelly had two sisters and a brother. “It must be amazing to have the whole house to yourself. I’m lucky if I can be alone for five minutes,” said Kelly.
“Well, I can do whatever I want. Do you want to order a pizza? There’s nothing in the fridge.” There was never anything in Sheila’s fridge.
“That’s okay,” said Kelly. “I have to go home for dinner soon.”
“But I would go crazy if people were telling me what to do all the time.”
“Well, you’re lucky,” said Kelly. Sheila was lucky. She had perfect hair, perfect clothes, a perfect house. “I would give anything to be Sheila for just one day,” thought Kelly.
The phone rang. “Hi, Mom,” Kelly heard Sheila say. “No, it’s okay. I understand.” She hung up. “My mom’s having dinner out again,” she said. “Are you sure you can’t stay for pizza?”
“Sorry. I have to go or I’ll be late for dinner,” said Kelly.
“Whatever. See you.”
Kelly saw Sheila looking out of the window as she walked down the street. Suddenly, Sheila’s house looked very big, and Sheila looked very small.

(    )52. Which of these sentences tells the difference between Sheila’s life and Kelly’s?
A. Sheila is from a big family and Kelly is from a small one.
B. Kelly has a big, caring family and Sheila is often on her own.
C. Kelly has perfect clothes and Sheila wears hand-me-downs.
D. Sheila and Kelly have similar family situations.
(    )53. Which things about Sheila’s life does Kelly like?
A. Her house, her parents, and her clothes
B. Her hair, her clothes, and her pets
C. Her hair, her clothes, and her house
D. Her clothes, here parents, and her pets
(    )54. What things about Kelly’s life might Sheila like?
A. The fact that Kelly has sisters to lend her clothes.
B. The fact that Kelly has caring parents who are there to take care of her.
C. The fact that Kelly has a big house and lots of time to herself.
D. The fact that Kelly gets to eat pizza almost every night of the week.
(    )55. Why do you think the writer includes the final sentence of the story?
A. To show that Sheila lives in a big, beautiful house.
B. To show that Sheila gets to do whatever she wants.
C. To show that Sheila is happy.
D. To show that Sheila is lonely.
Having Fun “Growing” and “Stealing”?
Recently, an Internet game has become a new fashion among young office workers and students.People can “farm” on a piece of “land” and “grow’’, “sell” or even “steal” “vegetables”, “flowers” and “fruits” on the Net. They can earn some e-money and buy more “seeds”,  “pets” and even “houses”.
Joyce interviewed some young people. Here are their opinions.
Harold:I don’t quite understand why they are so mad about the childish game, Maybe they are just not confident enough to face the real world.www.ryedu.net
Allan:I enjoy putting some “bugs” in my friends’ gardens and we’ve become closer because of the game.Having fun together is the most exciting thing about it.
Laura:You know, people in the city are longing for(渴望) the life in the countryside.It reduces my work pressure(压力);besides, it gives me the exciting experience of being a “thief”.
Ivy:  Well. it’s just a waste of time.Teenagers playing the game spend so many hours on it that they can not focus on (专注于)their study.
(    )56. According to the passage, people can’t _______things in this game.
    A. grow      B. borrow       C. steal      D. sell
(    )57. Among the people Joyce interviewed,____ likes the game while____ dislikes the game.
A. Laura; Allan  B. Allan; Harold       C. Harold; Ivy    D. Ivy; Allan
(    )58. From Laura’s words, we can guess that she’s most probably_________
     A. a student     B. an office worker   C. a farmer    D. a thief
(    )59. Which is NOT the reason why people like the game?
A. They are longing for country life.
B. They can have fun with friends.
C. The game can relax people and give them a new experience.
D. They are confident enough to face the real world.
(    )60. Where can you find this passage?
      A. In a car magazine.          B. In an advertisement.
C. In a newspaper              D. In a science book


1. M: What do you think of Sandy, Millie?
W: She is inactive. She doesn’t like singing but she likes reading.
2. M: Good morning. What can I do for you?
  W: I’d like to buy some books on teenage problems.
3. W: Hi, Andy! How was your weekend?
  M: I did nothing but study. I did a lot of reading.
4. M: Watching TV for too long is not good for our health. Let’s go and play badminton.
  W: OK. Let’s go.
5. W: What can I do for you?
  M: I’d like a pen. I want the cheapest one.
部分 听对话或独白回答问题
6. M: Amy, why do you think Peter would be the best new chairperson?
  W: Because he is hardworking, careful and creative. He is our monitor in our class.
7. M: Are there enough desks in the classroom?
   W: I think there are enough. There are forty desks altogether. One for the teacher, thirteen for the students, and others for the parents.
8. M: Next Sunday, there is going to be a party in my class. All of my classmates will go. But I don’t want to because I am shy.
  W: I think you should go because it is in your class. You shouldn’t be shy in front of your classmates. You should smile a lot and speak less.
9. W: How are you going to spend your holidays, Mr Smith? Go on a trip or enjoy yourself at home?
   M: I prefer visiting some places to staying at home.
10. M: You look so cool in this yellow sweater.
W: Thank you. I’m glad to hear that. In fact, green is my favorite, but the salesgirl said the green ones had been sold out.
W: Do you like watching sports programmes on TV, Nick?
M: Yes, I like sports. So my favourite TV channel is CCTV-5.
W: How long do you watch it every day?
M: About 3 hours every day.
W: Doing some sports is good for your health, but I don’t think watching too much TV is helpful.
M: What are you going to do during the coming holiday?
W: I haven’t decided. How about you?
M: Since we have seven days off, I will go traveling. I’ve got some information in the newspaper. Would you like to go with me?
W: I’d like to. But where?
M: How about Yunnan? I learnt from the TV that Yunnan is a beautiful place. The weather there is nice too.
W: That’s great. I have never been there before.
M: Let’s go to the travel agency together to ask for more information
W: OK.
In Nanjing there are many buses going around the city, and they cost only 1 or 2 yuan to take. So many people like taking a bus to school or to work. But when an elderly person gets on the bus, are you willing to give your seat to him?
Some people on the bus don’t like to help the elderly. They just close their eyes, listen to the music without looking at the elderly. Some will turn their faces to look out of the windows. Even when the bus driver keeps asking people to help the elderly, they are still on the seat.
However, we should help each other because anyone may need others’ help. Next time, please try to help the person who needs help on the bus. You can let the elderly people get on the bus before you, or give your seat to the people with children. Then all the people will live a happy life.

外语爱好者网站 www.ryedu.net
2010年 英语模拟试卷
参 考 答 案
1-5 CCBAA   6-10 ACCBB  11-15 BBCBA  16-20 ACCBB
二、单项选择 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    21-25  ACCDC    26-30  DCDCD  31-35 DDBCB
36-40  DCDAB  41-45  CABDC
 46-47  CD      48-51  ADDB         52-55  BCBD   56-60 BBBDC
 61-65  wisdom;  explaining;  similar;   laboratory;  arguing 
66-70  fixing;  listening;  succeeded;  were divided;  impatient
71-75 protecing;  put;  crowded;  worse;  available/provided;
76-80. happened;.  over;  killed/dead;  afraid; America
81-85  because ;  knowing;  modern;   discovered;   control/charge
86-90  full;     decision;  without;  affects;   marriage
八、书面表达 (共1题,满分15分)略






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