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来源:51温州家教网    点击:8378    发布日期:2011-10-12 09:04:16


    pen pal
    be from 来自
    =come from 来自
    the United States 美国
    the United Kingdom
    New York 纽约
    speak English英语
    14 years old
    write to…写信给。。。
    like and dislike 爱憎
    in China
    go to the movies 去看电影
    play sports 做运动
    favorite subject 最喜欢的科目
    Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友来自哪里?
    Where does he live? 他住在哪里?
    What language does he speak?
    Unit 2 Where’s the post office?
    post office 邮局
    in front of 在。。。前面
    pay phone (投币式)公用电话
    near here 这儿附近
    on Center Street 在中心街上
    next to 在。。。旁边
    between…and… 在。。。和。。。之间
    across from 在。。。对面
    in the neighborhood 在附近
    go straight 一着往前走
    turn left/right 向左/右拐
    a big supermarket 一家大超市
    at New Park 在新公园
    take a taxi 乘出租车
    have fun 玩得愉快
    take a walk 散步
    the way to 去。。。的路上
    go through 通过
    Excuse me. 对不起。
    go down…
    the garden district
    have a good trip
    the beginning of…
    let sb. do sth.
    on the right/left
    Where is the post office?
    Is there a big supermarket near where you are?
    Bridge Street is a good place to have fun..
    Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
    very shy
    very cute
    kind of
    very smart
    South Africaother animals
    play with
    during the day
    at night
    every day
    be quiet
    Why do you like koalas?
    Let’s see the pandas first.
    Where are lions from?
    They’re kind of interesting.
    What other animals do you like?
    Why do you want to see the lions?
    Unit 4 I want to be an actor.
    shop assistant
    police office
    bank clerk
    TV station
    go out
    get sth. from sb.
    like doing sth / to do sth
    give sb sth
    want to be
    be interested in
    an interesting job
    want ads
    talk with/to sb
    pop stars
    an international school
    school play
    a library assistant
    a sports coach
    a movie actor
    What do you do?
    What do you want to be?
    Where does your sister work?
    Does he work late?
    Unit 5 I’m watching TV
    Watch TV
    do homework
    eat dinner
    TV show
    write a letter
    read a book
    wait for
    talk about
    at school
    at home
    at the pool
    play soccer
    play basketball
    talk on the phone
    thanks for…
    I am not talking.
    What are you doing?
    Are you playing soccer?
    Unit 6 It’s raining!
    sound terrible
    have a good time
    around The World show
    on vacation
    take photos
    look cool
    this group of…
    in your hometown
    play computer games
    pretty good
    different kinds of
    not bad
    Thank you for helping me!
    How’s the weather?
    How is it going?
    What do you do when it’s raining?
    Unit 7 What does he look like?
    look like
    short hair
    long hair
    curly hair
    straight hair
    medium height
    medium build
    a little bit
    tell jokes
    stop talking
    go shopping
    wear glasses
    the captain of…
    the basketball team
    pop singer
    What does he look like?
    Don’t show the other students.
    Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.
    beef and tomato noodles
    would like
    what kind of noodles
    what size bowl of noodles
    a large bowl of noodles
    ice cream
    Can I help you?
    chicken and cabbage noodles
    mutton and potato noodles
    tomato and egg noodles
    beef and carrot noodles
    orange juice
    green tea
    House of Dumplings
    Dessert House
    phone number
    What kind of noodles would you like?
    Unit 9 How was your weekend?
    do one’s homework
    play soccer
    clean the room
    go to the beach
    play tennis
    gio to the movies
    last weekend
    on Saturday morning
    visit sb
    study for…
    what about
    stay at home
    have a party
    do some reading
    play the guitar
    spend the weekend last week
    go for a walk
    go shopping
    play sports
    talk show
    last month
    play with…
    look for
    it’s time to do sth.
    go to the mountains
    How was your weekend?
    It’s time to go home.
    Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?
    go on vacation
    go to summer camp
    stay at home
    study for exams
    Central Parkshow sth to sb
    help him find his father
    walk back to…
    go shopping
    the Palace Museumthink of
    have fun doing sth
    bus trip
    the Great Wall
    Tian’an Men Square
    a Beijing Hutongmake sb do sth
    decide to do sth
    What do you think of the vocation?
    I find a boy crying





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